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Tower Hobbies Kaos 40: Maiden Flight

I just got back from the flying field and I completed the first 3 flights on the Kaos 40. I can sum it up in three words, boring, excellent flyer. What, wait? BORING? Yes, I said boring. You know the nerves you get prior to a maiden flight? Well I had those and they lasted about 5 seconds after it broke ground. The Kaos wanted to dive to the left immediately, but once I compensated, gained some altitude, I had it trimmed out in one circuit of the field. Here is where the boring starts. Once trimmed this airplane flies beautifully! There are no surprises at all. Being a precise pattern airplane it has NO self recovery tendencies at all. It goes precisely where you point it, PERIOD. You hear the phrase "it flies like it is on rails", well it does. It is smooth, precise, and graceful. It makes an average flier like me look pretty good. HUGE graceful loops, Split S, Immelmann, and stall turns are a breeze. It does one heck of a snap roll too. All of this done on the maiden. I usually don't wring a new airplane out until the 3rd or 4th flight, but this plane, once trimmed, puts you at ease immediately. Landings are fun. I bring it in on a long slow flat approach managing the throttle to maintain altitude and then chop it for a full stall 3 point landing. Quite fun! This is not a trainer but anyone who flies their airplane and not the other way around will have no issues mastering this plane. Unfortunately I have no flight videos as my cameraman is in school today. My Kaos is powered by my nice Enya SS40BB. This engine provides PLENTY of power for this plane. It is quite fast and there is no need, in my opinion, for more power. Now I do have about 5 other engines that I would like to try on this airplane but I am extremely satisfied with the performance the Enya provides.

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