30 Size 4 stroke comparison
The 30 size 4 stroke comparison begins in earnest now. Today's videos are Parts 1 and 2 of Segment 1 of the comparison. Due to the length and amount of runs it had to be broken down into two parts. I run the four engines, Saito FA-30S, Magnum XL30RFS, OS FS-30S, and the OS FS-26 Surpass, with a Xoar 10x4 prop. I perform two runs with each engine using two different fuels. Omega 5% with Klotz castor added for a total of 20% lubrication and Omega FAI 0% nitro and 17% total lubrication. Weather conditions at the time of testing this morning was 82 degrees F and 79% humidity. Yes, I was melting by the end of the runs. This is the first time I have ever run a Xoar prop and I will remember it well. I got popped and split open right through a leather glove on the second or third flip. You'll see it in the video. I plan on doing more engine comparisons in the near future. On tap will be a 2 stroke 40 and 46 size shoot out. Enjoy. Part 1 of Segment 1