Magnum XL52RFS first run after A Look Inside
Well the idle screw that was missing from my latest Magnum XL52 engine finally arrived. It should have arrived yesterday as the USPS status was 'Out for Delivery'. Well it did not show up. Tracking this morning showed it went back to Tampa and then to Sarasota last night. WTH? This morning it showed 'Arrived at post office' in Largo at 7:09AM but not 'Out for Delivery'. I happened to be home and intercepted the Mail person and just as I was about to begin an inquisition I see her pull up an mailing envelope that could only be the idle screw. Finally. Now with the screw installed to an approximate setting as my other Magnum, I strapped it to the test stand. Needle valve open 2 full turns, new OS F plug installed, tank filled, ready to fire her up. She popped on the first touch of the prop and the second flip she was purring away. Whatever ill will I had towards Chinese made engines once again began to slip away as I advanced the throttle. This engine is sweet to say the least. Now I have no doubt that SOME Magnum/ASP engines are dogs, but I have been fortunate lately. I would not hold back my feelings on this. These two XL 52's I have are really well behaved nice running engines. Just like the two ASP FS 80's I have had in the last month, these are nice engines. Check it out for yourself.