Home brew fuel experiment: 0% Nitro
I have a YouTube subscriber who has shown me some videos of a home brew fuel he makes with only Ethanol and castor oil. Where he lives in Germany pre-mixed glow fuel with nitromethane is quite expensive if even available. I have tossed around the idea of mixing my own fuel before, but never did because it really just isn't cost effective. I have a LHS that still stocks fuel at a decent price so why mix my own? Well for an experiment I decided to mix some and try it out. This is the 'what if' scenario. What if all of my LHS closed the doors? What if I could not get pre-mixed glow fuel anymore? Well in this experiment I get an answer to the 'what if' question. I went to Home Depot and bought a 1 quart can of Klean Strip Denatured alcohol. In addition I already have some Klotz BeNOL racing castor. I simply mixed 6.4oz of alcohol to 1.6oz of castor in a mason jar. I then just filled an 8oz fuel tank with this and selected two engines to run. I choose my OS FS-30 Surpass and an OS 46 SF engine. I figured one 4 stroke and one 2 stroke would be a good starting point. Well watch the video to see the results. It is quite interesting.