OS 45 FSR: First run.
I mounted this engine to the test stand today and began shooting the video. It was shortly after the first run attempt that I relearned something about glow engines and glow plugs. About 2 months ago I bought several sleeves of Enya #3 glow plugs. Why would I do this? Because these plugs are some of the best you can get, and unfortunately no LHS stocks them anymore. So I have to order them and I run primarily 4 stroke engines. I have read many posts and reviews stating that these plugs are great in 2 stroke engines as well. Thus far I have had the same experience until the last two OS engines. I have used the Enya plug with great success in a Webra Speed 61, an OS 40 FP, my OS 40 FSR, etc. But this 45 FSR and my 46 SF engines simply do not like these plugs for some reason. Now back to the original story line, running this 45 FSR engine. The engine would not hold full throttle at any richness setting of the high speed needle, nor would it idle at all. After fooling around with carb settings and the engine running poorly, I finally decided to change glow plugs. Now the Enya #3 I installed was brand new too, so I was not initially questioning the plug for the poor running results. I pulled a plug from my Enya SS40BB 2 stroke engine and installed it into this engine. Suddenly the engine would hold full throttle settings and would actually idle without dying. I believe the plug I used was a McCoy MC-59 as I had purchased some for the few 2 stroke engines I had at the time, but since it was installed in an engine I could not confirm the make. Nevertheless the engine suddenly responded to my needle settings and ran properly. So long story short if you have a finicky running engine, have a various selection of plugs on hand to try. Now the instructions for this FSR engine, written back in the late 70's did not specify a plug to use, it just stated that plug selection was critical to proper running of the engine. Well yes I found that out.