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Tower Pro 46 vs OS 45 FSR and 46 SF engines

So just for the fun of it I pulled out the three 45/46 size 2 stroke engines that I have. The engines being a Tower Pro 46, an OS 45 FSR, and an OS 46 SF. Disclaimers 1. The Tower Pro is a new engine not fully broken in. This is about the 4th tank run through it. 2. The OS 45 FSR is a used engine of unknown run time. 3. The OS 46 SF is a used engine of unknown run time. 4. All engines running the same APC 10x6 prop. 5. All running Morgan's Omega 10% fuel 6. All run on the same day, time, weather conditions. This is purely for fun and is not meant to be a scientific comparison. I thought the results were somewhat interesting. The OS 45 FSR for many years was the benchmark engine; I guess until the 46 SF came out anyway. The 45 FSR really could not compete at all. I had it maxed out at 12,240 PRM and further leaning did not result in anything but a drop in RPM. It was a relatively low run time engine, so wear and age should not have played a role in its performance. The 46 SF was obviously the king of this comparison. Again, a used engine, but a great runner nonetheless. Now the Tower Pro could have been tweaked a bit more and I'm sure it would have turned pretty close to the 46 SF but I really did not lean it out fully.

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